/** * @file * Some basic behaviors and utility functions for Views. */ (function ($) { Drupal.Views = {}; /** * JQuery UI tabs, Views integration component. */ Drupal.behaviors.viewsTabs = { attach: function (context) { if ($.viewsUi && $.viewsUi.tabs) { $('#views-tabset').once('views-processed').viewsTabs({ selectedClass: 'active' }); } $('a.views-remove-link').once('views-processed').click(function(event) { var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('views-remove-link-', ''); $('#views-row-' + id).hide(); $('#views-removed-' + id).get(0).checked = true; event.preventDefault(); }); // Here is to handle display deletion // (checking in the hidden checkbox and hiding out the row). $('a.display-remove-link') .addClass('display-processed') .click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('display-remove-link-', ''); $('#display-row-' + id).hide(); $('#display-removed-' + id).get(0).checked = true; return false; }); } }; /** * Helper function to parse a querystring. */ Drupal.Views.parseQueryString = function (query) { var args = {}; var pos = query.indexOf('?'); if (pos != -1) { query = query.substring(pos + 1); } var pairs = query.split('&'); for (var i in pairs) { if (typeof(pairs[i]) == 'string') { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); // Ignore the 'q' path argument, if present. if (pair[0] != 'q' && pair[1]) { args[decodeURIComponent(pair[0].replace(/\+/g, ' '))] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } } } return args; }; /** * Helper function to return a view's arguments based on a path. */ Drupal.Views.parseViewArgs = function (href, viewPath) { // Provide language prefix. if (Drupal.settings.pathPrefix) { var viewPath = Drupal.settings.pathPrefix + viewPath; } var returnObj = {}; var path = Drupal.Views.getPath(href); // Ensure there is a correct path. if (viewPath && path.substring(0, viewPath.length + 1) == viewPath + '/') { var args = decodeURIComponent(path.substring(viewPath.length + 1, path.length)); returnObj.view_args = args; returnObj.view_path = path; } return returnObj; }; /** * Strip off the protocol plus domain from an href. */ Drupal.Views.pathPortion = function (href) { // Remove e.g. http://example.com if present. var protocol = window.location.protocol; if (href.substring(0, protocol.length) == protocol) { // 2 is the length of the '//' that normally follows the protocol. href = href.substring(href.indexOf('/', protocol.length + 2)); } return href; }; /** * Return the Drupal path portion of an href. */ Drupal.Views.getPath = function (href) { href = Drupal.Views.pathPortion(href); href = href.substring(Drupal.settings.basePath.length, href.length); // 3 is the length of the '?q=' added to the URL without clean URLs. if (href.substring(0, 3) == '?q=') { href = href.substring(3, href.length); } var chars = ['#', '?', '&']; for (var i in chars) { if (href.indexOf(chars[i]) > -1) { href = href.substr(0, href.indexOf(chars[i])); } } return href; }; })(jQuery);