/** * Top region js * bartext and bartext2 come from theme settings through template.php */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Hide region (don't hide in the demo block page) if(!Drupal.settings.marinelli.blockdemo){ $('#topBar').hide(); } // set the right text in the blcok demo page if(Drupal.settings.marinelli.blockdemo){ $('#topBarLink a').text("↑ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext2 + ""); } // Make the spy effect $('#topBarLink a').live('mouseover mouseout', function(event) { if (event.type == 'mouseover' && $(this).text() == "↓ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext + "") { $('#topBarLink').animate({ 'padding-top':'5px' }); } else if (event.type == 'mouseout' && $(this).text() == "↓ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext + "") { $('#topBarLink').animate({ 'padding-top':'0px' }); } }); // Click logics $('#topBarLink a').click(function () { if ($(this).text()=="↓ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext + "") { $(this).text("↑ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext2 + ""); $(this).attr('title','Close this region'); } else if ($(this).text()=="↑ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext2 + "") { $(this).text("↓ " + Drupal.settings.marinelli.bartext + ""); $(this).attr('title','Open this region'); } $('#topBar').slideToggle("slow"); return false; }); // Link positioning var linkWidth = $('#topBarLink a').width(); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // Set start margin $('#topBarLink a').css('margin-left', ((windowWidth / 2) - (linkWidth / 2) -10) + 'px'); $(window).bind('resize', function(event) { $('#topBarLink a').css('margin-left', (($(window).width() / 2) - (linkWidth / 2) - 10) + 'px'); }); });