
The Wireless RERC activities consist of Research, Development and Training Dissemination projects.  While each of these three areas have discrete projects, they are inter-related.

Research Projects

  • User-Centered Research
    Project R1 builds on our 10-year history of compiling and disseminating information from the perspective of people with disabilities about issues of access and usability of wireless products, applications, and services.

  • Policy Approaches to Accelerate Access to Advanced Wireless Technologies
    The Wireless RERC will continue to provide substantive input into federal agencies and policymaking procedures to reduce barriers and accelerate technology initiatives affecting accessibility and usability of wireless technologies.

Development Projects

  • App Factory
    Recognizing the growing importance of "apps" to enhance the accessibility and usability of wireless products, the App Factory  creates an "open (to any app developer) shop" to promote development of a variety of software applications that address the needs of people with disabilities.

  • Emergency Lifelines on Wireless Platforms
    This development effort determines what is needed to ensure that next-generation emergency communication systems afford full access to people with disabilities, particularly as emergency alerts move from conventional broadcast media (radio and TV) to wireless networks and devices.


  • Promoting Awareness of Access and Usability Needs for Wireless Devices
    The purpose of this project is to advance awareness among industry and consumers on usability and accessibility issues, and available solutions, to improve use of wireless products and services by people with disabilities.

  • SOT Conference on Wireless Technologies
    The purpose of this project is to disseminate research findings, build consensus, and develop strategies to ensure that people with disabilities will have access to the wireless technologies and services of tomorrow.

  • Building Research Capacity in Wireless Accessibility and Usability
    This project provides opportunities for advanced-level research training on accessibility and usability of mobile wireless technologies. It includes four activities: 1) graduate research traineeships, 2) universal design curriculum development in design-related courses at Georgia Tech, 3) annual student design competitions focused on access and usability of mobile wireless technologies, and 4) training in accessible applications development for programmers with disabilities.

  • National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research logo
  • Center for Advanced Communications Policy logo
  • Georgia Institute of Technology logo
  •  Shepherd Center Logo

500 10th Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0620 | 404-3854614 | Contact Us

The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies is sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RE5007-01-00. The opinions contained in this website are those of the Wireless RERC and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or NIDILRR.