The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) is seeking consumers to serve on the National Advisory Committee and participate in consumer product testing. The MSKTC is funded by the National Institutes on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The Center supports NIDRR’s Model Systems program in the development of user-friendly resources and products that reflect new knowledge about diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and burn injury (BURN).
Specifically, the center is in search of:
1. Individuals with personal experience with SCI, TBI, and BURN (has SCI, TBI, and/or BURN or a close family member with one of the these three injuries);
2. Policymakers and advocates with a large constituency of individuals with SCI, TBI, and/or BURN; and
3. People with experience serving individuals from diverse populations (e.g., minority backgrounds, rural populations) with SCI, TBI, and/or BURN.
For more information please email the Center at mailto:msktc@air.orgif [Source: Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center]
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