October 2012—The FCC announced that the next Consumer Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Friday, November 2, 2012 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M EST. The Commission will hear two recommendations from its Disability Working Group. The first is an expected recommendation to update the Commission’s rules related to Speech-to-Speech relay service and the second recommendation “concerns people with disabilities and low income and underserved population with respect to the Commission’s Mobile Health (mHealth) initiative.” Additional recommendations concerning disclosure in political advertising are expected from the Committee’s Media Working Group.
The Committee meeting can be viewed by the public via a live broadcast over the Internet on the FCC Live web page at www.fcc.gov/live/. For those individuals with disabilities, a webcast of the meeting will be available through Accessible Event (http://accessibleevent.com; Event Code Required: 005202376).