04.18.12 - The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) issued a Notice requesting comment on their Proposed Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2013 – 2017. Objectives within the plan include:
- ensuring that research, development and other activities are balanced between areas of focus including employment, community living, and health, and address the needs of people with various disabilities and social circumstances;
- supporting both qualitative and quantitative research with an effort to “generate evidence-based practices;”
- improving the capabilities of NIDRR research centers to ensure that research can be directly utilized as information for people with disabilities and stakeholders;
- supporting projects that have potential benefit for multiple groups of people with disabilities, such as research into disability demographics, assistive technology, and information and communication technology;
- improving program administration by “[streamlining] processes for establishing and publishing priorities for grant competitions,” implementing a schedule for publishing priorities and conducting peer reviews, and creating a consistent peer review process.
Comments on the plan are due June 18, 2012. [Source: NIDRR]
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