TDPH Monthly Newsletter

Technology and Disability Policy Highlights Monthly Newsletter

September 2012 Technology and Disability Policy Highlights

In September the U.S. House of Representatives voted unanimously to pass the FEMA Reauthorization Act of 2012 [H.R. 2903] which will codify the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) as law.  Once signed into law, H.R. 2903 would strengthen the body of laws related to parity of access to emergency information by people with disabilities.

August 2012 Technology and Disability Policy Highlights

In August, due to recent requests for exemption from closed captioning and video description requirements the Federal Communications Commission clarified the definition of “economically burdensome,” maintaining the assessment factors outlined in the Communications Act of 1934 (as amended). The Commission is also prepared for their First Biennial Report to Congress on the state of accessibility of communications technologies and services, releasing for comment a Public Notice [CG Docket No.

July 2012 Technology and Disability Policy Highlights

In July, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act [S. 3187] was enacted which establishes a working group to develop best practices, such as the use of Braille or “talking bottles” to ensure the accessibility of prescription drug labels. July 26th marked the 22nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

June 2012 Technology and Disability Policy Highlights

This month, President Barak Obama issued an Executive Order, “Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment,” which emphasizes that access to broadband is essential to the United States’. The Order establishes a working group which is tasked to “develop and implement a strategy to facilitate the timely and efficient deployment of broadband facilities” on federal properties. 

May 2012 Technology and Disability Policy Highlights

In May, President Barak Obama urged Senate members to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  The Convention was adopted by the United Nations in 2006 and signed by the United States in 2009.  Ratification of the Convention would allow the United States to have more influence in the Convention by becoming a State Party to the Convention.


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The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies is sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RE5007-01-00. The opinions contained in this website are those of the Wireless RERC and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or NIDILRR.