
Citra: A New Communication App

January 2014 — The Wells Foundation in partnership with Ohio State University and Columbus Speech and Hearing Center released a new communication app for children and adults with language impairments.  Based on a successful prototype using a common, standard database of picture elements, Citra networks and shares communication boards, schedule maker, and notes between multiple people providing services to the same child.

Wireless RERC Awards Funding for Development of Apps

November 25, 2013 — Each year, the Wireless RERC’s App Factory invites experienced organizations or individual developers based in the U.S. to submit proposals for financial support to develop assistive and/or accessibility apps which can be used to enhance the utility and usability of wireless products and services for customers with and without disabilities. Following a call for proposals earlier this year, the App Factory is proud to announce that five apps have been selected for development during the 2013-2014 grant year.  The apps selected for development include:

Last Call for 2013-14 App Developers

The RERC's App Factory is holding open its 2013-14 Call for Proposals until October 8. Interested app developers can view the PDF below for proposal requirements or view the App Factory RFP webpage.

LifeLabs Presents the Design-athon

This November, UCP Life Labs and Enabled by Design will partner to host the 2013 Enabled by Design-athon in Washington, D.C.  Previously, the two-day event has included presentations from designers in addition to “the Design-athon, which offered participants time and space to devise solutions for problems faced by people with disabilities.”  Those interested in supporting, participating in or attending the conference are encouraged to monitor “Life Lab’s new website for updates.”

Wireless Use Survey

The purpose of this survey is to learn how young people (age 13-25) use wireless technology, and how this technology impacts their lives. The survey mainly focuses on cellphones, but also includes questions about other types of devices like tablet computers such as Apple's iPad, Amazon's Kindle Fire and other similar devices.


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The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies is sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RE5007-01-00. The opinions contained in this website are those of the Wireless RERC and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or NIDILRR.