
2013 M-Enabling Summit: Call for Presentations

The 2013 M-Enabling Summit will be held on June 6-7 in Washington, DC. This global conference and showcase is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and focuses on and promotes accessible mobile technology that can assist senior citizens and users of all abilities. The conference serves as a forum for U.S. and international mobile service providers, policy makers, and app developers to share experiences and perspectives on accessible mobile technology.

And the Winners Are: The FCC’s Chairman’s Awards for Advancement in Accessibility

December 2012— On December 19, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) Chairman Julius Genachowski will present the FCC’s Chairman’s Awards for Advancement in Accessibility to eight projects exemplifying significant innovation in communications technology that benefits individuals with disabilities.

Using Mobile Apps for Memory Management after a Brain Injury

John Morris, Wireless RERC research scientist, and Tracey Wallace, a speech language pathologist at Shepherd Center, presented at the 2012 American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention. The presentation highlighted a variety of practice guidelines and techniques that use various mobile applications and can help with memory management in individuals recovering from a brain injury.

Wireless RERC Presents at CSUN 2013

Four Wireless RERC papers will be featured at the 2013 International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN) in San Diego, February 25-March 2, 2013.  The papers include: App Factory: Assistive and Accessibility App, which will be a demo session; Wireless Technology Use and Disability based on the Survey of User Needs; Social Media, Public Emergencies & Disability, which is related to the Survey on Emergency Communications; and Survey Says!

New App to Identify U.S. Currency

October 9, 2012 - The Department of Education announced today the launch of IDEAL Currency Identifier, a free downloadable application (app) designed to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired to denominate U.S. currency on  Android mobile devices.    IDEAL Currency Identifier was developed by IDEAL Group, IQ Engines, and the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center's App Factory.  The IDEAL Currency Identifier initiative supports the U.S.


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The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies is sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RE5007-01-00. The opinions contained in this website are those of the Wireless RERC and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or NIDILRR.