Other News

Grants to Support Disability Research Awarded by Department of Education

October 2013 — The Department of Education’s National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) announced that over $6.4 million has been awarded to varying institutions to support disability research. The grants awarded include Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers and Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers and were awarded to the following institutions:

Last Call for 2013-14 App Developers

The RERC's App Factory is holding open its 2013-14 Call for Proposals until October 8. Interested app developers can view the PDF below for proposal requirements or view the App Factory RFP webpage.

American Foundation for the Blind Accepting Nominations for Migel Medals

September 2013 —The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) announced that they are accepting nominations for the 2013 Migel Medals.  The medals, considered the “highest honor in the blindness field,” were established in honor of M.C. Migel, the first chairperson of AFB, and are awarded to a professionals and volunteers whose work has “significantly improved the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired.” Nominations are due October 4, 2013 and can be submitted here.

Sprint Releases New Accessible Smartphone

September 2013 — Sprint has announced the release of Kyocera Kona, a new smartphone with multiple accessibility features.  The compact flip phone provides users with a tactile keyboard, verbal descriptions of on-screen menus, “high-contrast user interface options,” 911 shortcuts, and “verbal translation enabling internet browsing.” The phone is also being currently offered free of charge, following a $50 mail-in rebate.  Of the service, David Owens, Vice President of Product Development at Sprint, stated, “Sprint has always been dedicated to ensuring accessibility – whether it’s our award w

LifeLabs Presents the Design-athon

This November, UCP Life Labs and Enabled by Design will partner to host the 2013 Enabled by Design-athon in Washington, D.C.  Previously, the two-day event has included presentations from designers in addition to “the Design-athon, which offered participants time and space to devise solutions for problems faced by people with disabilities.”  Those interested in supporting, participating in or attending the conference are encouraged to monitor “Life Lab’s new website for updates.”


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The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies is sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RE5007-01-00. The opinions contained in this website are those of the Wireless RERC and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or NIDILRR.